-Sorry I have not written for some time. Tim really didn't want us to spread the word that he was at Standford again. He didn't want to be "the center of attention" anymore, but we feel there's a reason for all of this and we want him to continue to be in your thoughts and prayers. I don't have much time tonight, so I am going to paste a couple of the updates my mom has written for you to read. You cannot know how much we value your prayers to our God on Tim's behalf...thank you.
In Jeni's words:
Jan 30 (4 days ago) |
Bill and I just got back from a visit to Tim. (I took him to the Dr yesterday because I noticed the suture site from his last surgery had fluid under it, and he was feeling very bad and vomiting on wed night. They admitted him to evaluate) When we got there tonight to visit I confidently led Bill to the room I had left Tim in only hours before only to find a strange man in "Tim's" bed! They had moved Tim down the hall to a more "intensive care room", apparently they were concerned about the chest pain he was having. Well we found him and were just in time to see him whisked away for an MRI. We decided to wait the 40 minutes just to see him for a few minutes before bed. When he was being brought back I overheard the nurse telling the transport guy that he was being moved to the ICU....OK now what. Apparently they had seen something of concern on the new MRI. So the nurse did not know much so she paged the Dr.(We had a few moments of panic thinking about
the possibilities of what they are seeing on the MRI)... The Dr came in and told us they actually had not looked at the MRI very closely yet, but while he was in the radiology dept they did a ct of his chest. The reason for the move to the ICU is because they see multiple (there words) blood clots in his lungs! They moved him to the ICU and are starting a heparin drip, have put in a few more IV lines and will be watching him very close. They are also evaluating putting a type of screen in the arteries to the abdomen as they think he has some clotting most likely in the lower extremities and a screen or filter will stop the clots from going to the lungs or heart. They want him to not move around very much until the clots start to dissolve. So no getting out of bed! The pooling of the spinal fluid on the back of his neck will take a back seat (it is not as critical) for now. He has a drain catheter in his spine for that. Apparently this is not uncommon
with brain surgeries of a vascular nature like Tim's. You don't want clots to form but giving anti coagulants is dangerous when wanting to prevent brain bleeding. Sooo sometimes this happens. Actually the DR said it frequently happens. I once again am so glad he is where he is. If anyone wants to see him in the ICU the password is pepper. He is in the same ICU as before 2nd floor surgical ICU. You can only visit for one half hour every 2 hours tho. I will keep you posted as we know more. He is calm and peaceful and just goes with the flow! Bless his little heart.
the possibilities of what they are seeing on the MRI)... The Dr came in and told us they actually had not looked at the MRI very closely yet, but while he was in the radiology dept they did a ct of his chest. The reason for the move to the ICU is because they see multiple (there words) blood clots in his lungs! They moved him to the ICU and are starting a heparin drip, have put in a few more IV lines and will be watching him very close. They are also evaluating putting a type of screen in the arteries to the abdomen as they think he has some clotting most likely in the lower extremities and a screen or filter will stop the clots from going to the lungs or heart. They want him to not move around very much until the clots start to dissolve. So no getting out of bed! The pooling of the spinal fluid on the back of his neck will take a back seat (it is not as critical) for now. He has a drain catheter in his spine for that. Apparently this is not uncommon
with brain surgeries of a vascular nature like Tim's. You don't want clots to form but giving anti coagulants is dangerous when wanting to prevent brain bleeding. Sooo sometimes this happens. Actually the DR said it frequently happens. I once again am so glad he is where he is. If anyone wants to see him in the ICU the password is pepper. He is in the same ICU as before 2nd floor surgical ICU. You can only visit for one half hour every 2 hours tho. I will keep you posted as we know more. He is calm and peaceful and just goes with the flow! Bless his little heart.
Today, Feb. 3rd.
Tim had a screen or filter or "umbrella" put into one of the main arteries before the heart yesterday. It will "catch" any clots that might travel. He has some clots in his lungs, but the main worry was some clots they found in his left leg. His left side is the one that he is still not able to move very well. It is a common problem with brain surgery. You can't give the anti-clot drugs in vascular surgery like Tim had. So the risk of clots forming is no surprise. The other issue of the spinal fluid leak is being addressed with a lumbar drain. It is taking excess fluid from the spinal column so it will not build up and cause the headache and nausea he was feeling. So far they are not sure what they will do about the fluid. Maybe a temporary shunt or maybe they will go in and close the leak. (They think it is an opening where the sutures were). Tim is still calm and, in his words he just "hangs out". He is very tired so he sleeps quite a bit. The cultures
have not actually grown anything, but all his numbers say there is some infection going on, he is on antibiotics. They are talking about sending him home maybe the first part of next week. He will probably come home with an IV port as he will need antibiotics for awhile. We had to sneak in and help him shave tonight. They don't want him to cut himself, but the electric shaver did not work. Bill got the job done and not a drop of blood was shed. Tim looked and felt better after his shave. I am impressed with how Tim maintains a healthy attitude and once again thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Jeni